Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Silver lining

Sun getting off the dark blanket
Filled his mind box with good will
With light in his knapsack
Breathing fresh dawn air &
Looming from mountain peak
To giveaway the shine everyone seek
What if the day shows resistance?
What if the clouds overthrown the sunny desire
What if the day remain no glow
One thing to do look for the silver lining
Because somewhere it's hiding
Find out the P’s and expel the N’s
Pull your self together and comeback strong
Person with good will never do wrong

Polo and Bitsy soaring in the air
Looking for a place to give birth to the heir
They both had their work cut out
And carved the most B-E-A-utiful nest
They did their best and leave the rest
Laid the oval pearl and was waiting till the shining grow
What if the shine denied growing?
What if the prayers have turn down thus no blessings came down
What if the day remain no glow
One thing to do look for the silver lining
Because somewhere it's hiding
Find out the P’s and expel the N’s
Pull your self together and comeback strong
Parents with love deserve to chant lullaby songs

Friday, January 21, 2011


Flower blossoms at dawn
Seek for the frisky sun
Noisy & fidgety sea wave
Seek for the silent shore
Bird spreads wings
Seek for the bared forest
Man travels in a desert
Seek for the hidden oasis
Cloud filled with sky water
Seek for the rigid surface
Hastily flowing river
Seek the comfort of sea
To vanquish loneliness & woe
I only seek your twinkling eyes

Mother’s Love

I saw lightning flashing
Accompanied by thunderclaps
Now it’s glittering and shimmering
Like a swan in a white lily lake
Few stars guided by moon

I saw raindrops pouring
But now it’s a clear sky
Like an infant without sin
Seven color flag is waving
While a little sunshine leaning

I saw mountains slipping
But now they are steady
Like a soldier at the morning trial
Fog has covered the peaks
And the peaks peep time to time

My mother she loves me
And loves me to the eternity
But with love harder to define
Like a math given to baby Einstein
But who wants to define love

It is only to be felt and shared
By everyone who is cared
Love is pure and eternal
But a Mother’s love
Is incomparable

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Everlasting desire

This life has no plan
It’s meant to fly and flow
Just like a leaf driven by the wind
From the time it leaves the tree

All leaves suppose to fall
And most of them fall beneath
But some fly far away far away from their trees
Just like having wings on their feet

Certainly they enjoy the ride
They would see all fabulous sites
Gigantic mountains impatient streams
The love, rapture and even anger that leaps

No plans for future just to throw the dice
It’s an oafish journey sliding on thin ice
But flowing with dreams heavily packed
Freedom and entrancement never lacked

Far above the clouds, skating on rainbow
Twisting with twisters like a hobbledehoy
Birds think I am one of their kinds
Certainly I am but no wings to fly

I see horizon, sun is about to set
No grief I have seen a lot but……
Lost my grip and about to touch floor
All leaves suppose to fly and flow  

Friday, January 14, 2011


I hear the squall of Bitsy
Stuck in a glassy tank
Good swimmer but no adequate space
Neither new friends nor love
Often curse the solitariness
But dreams about Bob, Broomer & Brutes outside

I hear the squall of Adrian
Stuck in a metal cage
Can fly but can’t touch the sky
Neither new friends nor love
Often curse the solitariness
But dreams about Polly, Ariel & Angel outside

I hear the squall of Bruno
Stuck in a paltry land
Willing to free his arms but no space
Neither new friends nor love
Often curse the solitariness
But dreams about Bugs, Amber & Chas

They kept in prison stuck & leashed
But wishes already unleashed
To dwell in water, sky & earth
Pacify the rights they’ve got in birth
Hope & desire to be free one day
Shall remain and enhanced day by day


Whisper your name before sleep
To see you in my dreams
Then I keep your memories alive
To strengthen my solitary life
Marks of the sweet smiles
Expressions with refine Words
Sound of melancholy voice
Shows your crowning glory
I’ll make a wish deep in the nights
With the moon keeping watching over me
Let my heart filled in your love
Nothing else……..if else you’re Love

Young bird’s Limit

Sun plays hide & seek its gloomy
Wind lost patience it’s windy
Feathers are shaking it is shaky
This temptation makes me freaky

 I am pretty lost the clouds start tearing
Called my mama doubt she’s hearing
I am already soaked my feathers are heavy
It’s gloomy & windy, whole surface gravy

I’ve found a shade ample doubts lay
Did help my temporary cause I say
I feel free and I will soon fly
Bit I’m shaky at least I will try

Clouds are happy feathers soon dry
Wider I spread my wings to try
Broke the shackles gave a little spring
And lo my mama came flying