Saturday, January 15, 2011

Everlasting desire

This life has no plan
It’s meant to fly and flow
Just like a leaf driven by the wind
From the time it leaves the tree

All leaves suppose to fall
And most of them fall beneath
But some fly far away far away from their trees
Just like having wings on their feet

Certainly they enjoy the ride
They would see all fabulous sites
Gigantic mountains impatient streams
The love, rapture and even anger that leaps

No plans for future just to throw the dice
It’s an oafish journey sliding on thin ice
But flowing with dreams heavily packed
Freedom and entrancement never lacked

Far above the clouds, skating on rainbow
Twisting with twisters like a hobbledehoy
Birds think I am one of their kinds
Certainly I am but no wings to fly

I see horizon, sun is about to set
No grief I have seen a lot but……
Lost my grip and about to touch floor
All leaves suppose to fly and flow  

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